
Sep 27, 2016

Back to work!

Hi everyone! How's your end of month going? 

Mine is feeling like a rush! I fell victim of Fall allergies, ones that I haven't ever experienced before! 

My weird symptoms started as tired eyes, sometimes dry. I just used some drops and that was it. After a couple weeks, and after my mother-in-law arrived on Sept 2nd, my eyes started to burn a bit. Didn't care too much about it. A few days later, I wasn't quite able to open my eyes as they burned kinda bad and I was having weird congestion (yay for allergic rhinitis!). So, next day, to the doctor. And well, he found a lovely sinus and ear infection. And for my eyes, just keep lubricating them with over the counter drops. The waiting time for the medications to help was hard as I have some work to do, I felt dizzy and my ear felt weird for some days, so I just stopped and focused on hubby's mom to feel welcome and happy on her vacation here. 

She just left yesterday, I couldn't be more happy and thankful with her for her visit and her help with house cleaning (we both have some hip/back pain and house cleaning is awful =\)  plus, a nice pain on my shoulder blade muscles, what I believe is result of recurring bad sleeping position. I learned lots of things, like to cook hubby's favorite meals, and that I might not be as awful as a host as I thought I would be!  The eye issue is almost controlled, thankfully my eyes stopped burning almost immediately! I just need to keep my shoulder blade in peace for a while and stop sleeping in weird positions =\ 

Hubby's Grandma recipe <3 I feel honored to have learned to make it from Vic's mom, who learned from her mother-in-law. Hubby's 2 special women in his life <3.  Please, ignore the crappy look !

Art related...

And well, I'm just checking what's next work-wise, I have 2 packages I need to send urgently to friends, and finish Mr Hubby's late bday present T^T 

Current to-do projects!  Quite excited for both <3  Left is a commissioned work, Right is hubby's late bday present (he saw it already T^T) 
My focus for the rest of the year is not to panic and just enjoy. I've dealt with weird health things this year that, even not quite dangerous, did messed up with my eyes and my back. I can work feeling crappy, but when you feel dizzy is not helpful ! So, I've decided not to feel rushed (although I am!) and take whatever I can from each moment, artistic or not!! Hopefully something great will come up from it ^-^ .  We just decided to go on and set an appointment with an orthopedist and an allergist to take care of whatever we can to avoid being in bed with back pain and depending on eye drops to live and work! 

And, to forget about health issues, more pics of food I learned to make this past weeks!

Potato and Tuna croquettes! I made them yesterday and I think I did it right! With homemade pico de gallo <3

Gorditas! Black bean (dark ones) and Sweet (lighter brown ones). Not made by me, but I learned how to make them ! This are delicious, with a homemade Chipotle salsa and cheese! 

Picadas!!!!! Some of the traditional food I miss the most from home =(  This were made from corn flour, not as delicious as the ones in Mexico, but quite great considering that we don't have good corn masa here !  Tomatillo salsa, Chipotle salsa (not from canned ones!) , onion, cheese and scrambled egg. =D

Fried tacos with chicken, lettuce, half cream and cheese. With chipotle salsa and vegetable soup ! Another favorite of mine!

Stuffed jalapeños! The real thing, not the crappy ones you might now! Stuffed with picadillo. The soup in the left is something Vic's mom made with the leftover water from cooking black beans on the pressure cooker. It's a black bean tortilla soup (we added fried totopos).  I used flour tortillas instead of corn tortillas for this tacos, just because I love stuffed peppers like this, with half cream as well ^^.

We made Stuffed Jalapeños! 

Home made Panuchos! (Using already made tortillas from La Tortilla Factory ^^)

Potato and Tuna croquettes. Hubby's favorite childhood meal! His mom told me she made this when they had little money left. Reminded me to my Grandma's Menestra (black bean soup with pasta or rice and a dash of olive oil). Simple, economic meals are always the ones we cherish the most! <3

I'm happy this was a quite productive month, even if it wasn't art wise!

I'll try to make October a great art month, I learned to make a Chipotle salsa! I feel I can conquer the world now!! 

Have a wonderful, wonderful week! 
Remember, be happy, stay healthy and work hard to make your dreams come true <3

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friends Mayito, Crystal, my cousin Angie, Ale and of course, my dear husband <3  I know I missed some birthdays this month, but you're all in my heart every day!


Jun 20, 2016

"Defying Gravity"

"Defying Gravity"
Oil on Canvas panel
11" x 14"
Frame pictured is provisional.

Yes, I was listening to "Defying Gravity" when I was thinking on a name, and well, it fit perfectly for what I wanted to portray. Yes, he's flying, but for me that imaginary flight of a creature that don't exist in this world is what my heart feels whenever I'm too overloaded with fear and doubt.

Ryan Pancoast ( just wrote on his facebook page that he's in an odd moment in his career when he's doubting his own work. Overloaded with work and with being a full-time dad is taking its toll, but he keeps going and creating amazing pieces. It's the hint of inspiration I needed, as I'm always a crybaby when it comes to my time. This guy is helping his family with amazing art, while his wife works on her full time job in an animal clinic, and he feels insecure still of his own work!  This is when I remember we're only humans, and we're not perfect as we picture our heroes =)

This guy is one of the people that inspire me to keep discovering what I can do, as well as many artists in the world that are not in crowded galleries (yet!).

But, going back to my painting!

It started like a mess, but I loved it somehow.

As you can see, it looks weird, not just because it was a photo taken with my cellphone, but well, anatomy was made without references. Tho, I loved the colors and the childl-ish look on his face. But at this point, I don't want just to throw art without learning something in the process!

Now that I revisit this image, I feel kinda weird that I changed a lot the colors. But I took decisions and stuck to them! (I'm crying inside as I loved this color scheme and I couldn't really recreate it again T^T)

For the next step, I took off the chain. I wanted to tell a story I wasn't even sure of. I wanted to focus in anatomy and making the best imaginary horse I've painted so far.

At this stage, I believe I had to stop for a few weeks. A beloved uncle passed away and it broke me. And my parents fell sick. So, emotionally I was drained and too worried, I shouldn't have let this stop me, but I was so afraid to mess this painting a lot, so I stood away from it for a while.

After returning from a trip to my hometown, I decided to continue with it. Again, researching more, I was finally able to give him a more correct anatomy (as far as my ability goes). Not just guessing, but to rely on horse photography for references.

Weirdly, this is what I wanted to feel. I wanted to feel that I made a little painting, where I've learned something new.  I learned more equine anatomy, I painted the best wings I've painted in my whole life, I worked with lots of colors I was afraid to work with, and well... I worked with colors!! That's a new one for me!  It took me around 2 days to have the hooves as I wanted them to, but I finally did it!  I also learned that I rely on this color scheme a lot. I love it, those blues/oranges/yellows in the background are something that makes me so happy. I will enjoy it as much as I can, because I should keep learning to work with other colors ^^. But today, I love them and I'm proud!

And the final image is what you've seen on top of this post:

I cleaned the borders a whole lot, There's some weird things happening with the shine on the painting, but I hope that, after varnishing, I'll be able to make it more even with the texture.  I worked a lot on those wings, which are not the best, but they're an improvement, for sure!

I changed a bit the front legs, I feel so happy with them as they are now. Took me a while, but when I figured it out, they came out automatically!  What I achieved and feel so proud of is that the focus remained on his face. I focused all contrast into that part, not many details, but some texture I added with hints of white.

Really, I'm not sure how to explain that this piece is a game changer for me. I'm not an experienced painter, nor a great artist as many ones I follow, but this piece has motivated me to keep learning and trying. 

For my next piece, I will tackle a different subject. It will be fanart focused, but I will try to step up the game again and keep discovering what I can do =)  It will be a human character, I feel so excited <3

A personal recommendation, check out Donato Giancola's DVDs. 

I've just watched like an hour of The Mechanic, I was so inspired and happy to learn lots of new things! I still have to sit and keep watching the rest to start with the Joan of Arc DVD <3  I highly recommend this ones if you're wanting to check this amazing artist's technique!  I'm dreaming to go to IMC 2017 and take classes with him!! T^T  I would also love to be with Julie Bell, but she's in the gallery work focused group =(  .

And, that's it with all the blah blah about my painting ^-^ 

I hope you like it!
See you soon with another one <3

All images are property of Diana Vargas (Dianita). Please do not use them without permission.

Jan 15, 2016

Art I made for our Blizzcon 2015 badges


I'm about to start today's drawing practices, but I recalled I haven't posted the art I made for our Blizzcon 2015 badges. I know, kinda late as it was back in November 2015, but those days were crazy with trip prepping and then holiday travel for December.

I made a painting for hubby.  It is the first painted personal piece I've finished with oils in a long long time. It was supposed to be a cute one, but it ended up being a bit fierce looking. The blue armored Tauren is Darkarcanine, his Resto/Ele Shaman and the bear is his recent favorite, his Guardian/Feral Druid Darkmew.  Being excited as I was, I forgot that shamans principal spell color is blue T^T. But I found one that is green, sooo, it counts =P

For me, it's a very very special piece. Not only because it's for my husband, but also because it shows some improvement on details that have been frustrating me for months (years to be honest). I reckon, the shaman could use some more planning, armor is not easy to paint... less with a dark skinned character (current models are a pain in the butt =| ) .  But what I'm proud of it's the Druid. He became the focal point thanks to the detail I was able to paint (and shape definition perhaps?)

Also, the background. I enjoy a lot to paint this warm skies.  I find my inspiration on Julie Bell's paintings all the time! I've learned a lot by watching her pieces, thanks to a book a friend gave me years ago and some searching through the web.

But for a quick painting (about a month or so of work or less)  I believe it's a breakthrough piece for me =) .

Painting size is 16 in x 20 in, it's made with Winton Oil paints (W&N) and lineseed oil on canvas panel.  I still need to make a better set up to photograph properly this pieces =)   Will be watching some Ryan Pancoast's tutorials for this, he made a great one on his youtube channel on artwork photography =D

Estoy a punto de comenzar mis prácticas de dibujo hoy, pero recordé que aún no comparto las piezas que hice para nuestros gafetes de la Blizzcon 2015.  Sé que es un poco tarde porque fue en Noviembre del 2015, pero esos días se alocaron de más gracias a los preparativos de ese viaje y el de Diciembre =(.

Hice esta pintura para mi esposo. Es la primera pintura personal que he terminado con óleos  en mucho mucho tiempo. Se supone sería una pintura graciosa, pero terminó siendo una pieza más de acción. El Tauren en armadura azul es Darkarcanine, su shamán resto/ele  y su reciente favorito, su druida feral/guardian Darkmew. Me emocioné tanto, que olvidé que el color para los heals del shamán son principalmente azules... pero encontré uno que es verde, así que cuenta =P

Para mí, es una pieza muy especial. No sólo por ser para mi esposo, sino porque también muestra un poco de avance en detalles que me han frustrado por meses (anios para ser honesta). Reconozco que el shamán puede beneficiarse de algo más de planeación, además que la armadura no es fácil d e pintar y menos con un personaje con pelaje oscuro (los modelos recientes hacen que ésto se vuelva más difícil!). Pero lo que me enorgullece es el Druida. Se convirtió en el punto focal gracias al detalle que pude lograr (y creo que también que pude definir bien su forma).

También, el fondo. Disfruto mucho pintando cielos en tonos cálidos. Encuentro mucha inspiración en pinturas de Julie Bell todo el tiempo! He aprendido mucho observando sus piezas, gracias a un libro que un queridísimo amigo me regaló hace anios <3  además de imágenes en internet.

Para una pieza hecha a paso rápido (menos de un mes), creo que es un parteaguas para mí =)

La pintura mide 16 pulgadas x 20 pulgadas ( 40.6cm x 50.8cm) y está hecha con óleos marca Winton (Winsor&Newton) y aceite de linaza en panel con tela.  Aún necesito mejorar mi arreglo para fotografiar mejor éste tipo de piezas. Estaré checando videos de Ryan Pancoast y sus consejos para tomar fotos de pinturas =)

Darkarcanine and Darkmew.
Oil on canvas panel.
16 in x 20in
Not for sale.
Based on characters from World of Warcraft. -

The next piece was for my badge and my tshirt <3

It's a pencil drawing of my 3 main characters, Jurietah (warlock), Mazapán (Druid) and Dianitoh (DK) ^^  Also, Darkarcanine makes an appearance on the top left (hubby's shammy).  And our Windrider cub and Pepe <3

This was a fairly quick one, I finished in about 2 hours or so, not polished at all, but made a pretty pretty print =D So, I'm proud ^^  It's the first time in a looong long time I make a pic for myself of my own characters. It was so exciting!

La siguiente pieza, fue para mi gafete y mi camiseta <3

Es un dibujo a lápiz de mis 3 personajes principales en el WoW, Jurietah (Warlock), Mazapán (Druid) and Dianitoh (DK). También, Darkarcanine hace una mini aparición a la izquierda (el personaje de mi esposo) y nuestro windrider y Pepe <3

Este sí fue un dibujo rapidito, creo que lo acabé en 2 hrs y por lo mismo no tiene tanto detalle ni buen acabado, peeero, qué bonita salió la impresión! =D  Tenia rato de no dibujar algo para mí y dibujar a mis personajes fue muy muy divertido ! ^^

My WoW Chars <3
Jurietah, Mazapán and Dianitoh.
Pencil on mixed media paper. 2 hrs.
Please, do not use T^T
Based on characters from World of Warcraft. - -

I hope you like this couple pieces! Remember, you can follow my updates through facebook, twitter, Instagram, or by email:

Espero les hayan gustado. Recuerden, pueden seguir mis actualizaciones a través de facebook, twitter, Instagram o email!:

Jan 14, 2016

Art Practice January 14th, 2016


One of my goals this year is to improve my human figure drawing. I don't intend to go full realism, but I'd like to improve proportions and understand movement and shape. And, to make my wishlist go over the top... I would love to develop some fantasy art!  But focused on strong female characters with beautiful armors. You know, confident women <3

Why that focus?  Oh well...  You see, I'm kinda sad that fashion media is focusing on the weak aspects of us, ladies. What I love about fantasy art, is that even if you get half-naked women, many artists chose to make them look strong, daring, without making them look too manly. I love the approach, but I'd love to give them a bit more of clothing, but beautiful, elegant armor or clothes <3

2016 is the year I'm daring to dream a little hahaha. I hope this practices let me get a firmer ground so I can move on to painting again =)  Here are my first practices of this year, hopefully I will get better with time !


Una de mis metas para este anio es mejorar mi dibujo de figura humana. No pretendo llegar al realismo, pero me encantaría dominar un poco más las proporciones y entender movimiento y forma. Y, para hacer mi lista de deseos más grande... Me encantaría crear arte de fantasía!  Pero enfocado en personajes femeninos fuertes, con armaduras bonitas. Ustedes saben, mujeres seguras de sí mismas <3

Por qué ese enfoque?  Bueno... Estoy muy triste que la industria de la moda está enfocándose horriblemente en nuestras debilidades. Lo que me fascina del arte de fantasía, es que a pesar de ver mujeres semi-desnudas, muchos artistas eligen mostrarlas como personajes fuertes, retadores, sin que eso signifique hacerlas ver muy masculinas. Me encanta este acercamiento, pero claro que me gustaría dotarlas de más ropita, pero bonita y elegante <3

Así que, 2016 es el anio en que me voy a animar a soniar un poco más. Espero estas prácticas me ayuden a tener una base más fuerte para poder sentirme mejor al pintar =)  Aquí les presento mis primeras 2 prácticas del anio, espero poder mejorar con el tiempo!

Face practices.
Quick sketches focusing on faces.  (3/4 views drive me crazy T^T )
0.3mm lead pencil, 6H MArsLumograph Staedtler pencil, Tombow Monozero eraser, Knock eraser on mixed media paper.

Action pose and armor layout practice.
She's inspired on Rogues. Fast movement, silent killer. Armor is meant to be an intricate leather design. Lighter to allow easy movement.
0.3mm lead pencil, 6H MArsLumograph Staedtler pencil, Tombow Monozero eraser, Knock eraser on mixed media paper.

I hope you like them =)   Thank you so much for watching! Remember to follow my updates through the links below:

Espero les gusten =)  Gracias por su visita!  Recuerden seguir mis actualizaciones a través de los siguientes enlaces:

Jan 13, 2016

Last minute paintings from 2015 - Ultimas piezas del 2015

Happy New Year everyone!
Feliz Anio Nuevo a todos!

December 2015 was a bit crazy between our trip prepping, the actual trip and the return. I was hoping to be a bit more productive, but I was only able to make a few little paintings before we went out to the airport.  We went to Mexico for approx. 17 days, it was very very exhausting as we had 1 year without visiting our family and friends. I'm emotionally drained and physically recovering as well hahaha  But my stomach behaved like a champ!  We survived trying real Mexican food without any hint of Moctezuma's Revenge! <3

Diciembre del 2015 estuvo de locos, entre las preparaciones para el viaje, el viaje mismo y el regreso. Esperaba ser un poco más productiva, pero sólo pude hacer unas pinturitas antes de salir para el aeropuerto. Fuimos a Mexico por 17 días más o menos, estamos exhaustos! Teníamos 1 anio sin ir de visita y claro que quedamos cansadísimos emocionalmente y físicamente, ni les cuento T^T.  Eso sí, mi estómago aguantó cual campeón!  Sobrevivimos nuestra adorada comida Mexicana sin ningún tipo de venganza =V

This were the last little pieces from 2015, I forgot to take pics of the polymer clay pieces I made T^T, but hopefully will be able to photograph them next time I go visit <3

Estas son las últimas piezas del 2015.  Olvidé tomar fotos de unas cositas que hice con Sculpey, pero espero poder tomar fotos la próxima vez que vaya de visita <3
Li Li  (HotS)
Acrylic, color pencils white gel pen on mixed media paper.
Acrílicos, lápices de colores y pluma blanca en papel para medios mixtos. -

Murky on Medieval Marine Suit  (HotS)Inspired on Papa's cosplay, winner of Blizzcon 2016 cosplay contest <3
Acrylic, color pencils white gel pen on mixed media paper.
Acrílicos, lápices de colores y pluma blanca en papel para medios -

Stitch playing with Ashbringer
Acrylic, color pencils white gel pen on mixed media paper.
Acrílicos, lápices de colores y pluma blanca en papel para medios -

Succubus  (from WoW)
Acrylic, color pencils white gel pen on mixed media paper.
Acrílicos, lápices de colores y pluma blanca en papel para medios -

(friend's amazing Husky)
Acrylic, color pencils white gel pen on mixed media paper.
Acrílicos, lápices de colores y pluma blanca en papel para medios -

Acrylic, color pencils white gel pen on mixed media paper.
Acrílicos, lápices de colores y pluma blanca en papel para medios -

Jessica Jones
Acrylic, color pencils white gel pen on mixed media paper.

Acrílicos, lápices de colores y pluma blanca en papel para medios -

This are really not that big =)  But I'm happy with the outcome. <3  I hope you like them!

No están muy grandecitos, pero estoy muy contenta por el resultado <3  Espero les gusten!

Remember to follow updates at
Recuerden seguir mi progreso en

Dec 7, 2015

Amazing artists pages for your Christmas or early Valentines shopping!


As Christmas is drawing near, I thought it's a great idea to share with you some amazing pages from dear friends who are extremely talented and have wonderful wooonderful pieces at different price points, from the most affordable to the OOAK original piece for you to make someone smile even more!

Let's jump into the features!

(Images link to their respective sites! )

Her Floral Unicorn is beyond cute!
Get your prints at:

Tamisery's talent is beyond words!  I've known her since she entered the MLPArena and asked her for some advice on how to improve my art. I consider her one of my best friends in the whole wide world, even if we still need to meet in person!

I can't honestly tell you how amazing she is. She's good at drawings, paintings, sculpting, digital art, vectors. You name it, she will make an excellent job! She has some amazing pieces that I just drool and drool for, I need them all in my life T^T

I own 2 prints from her, and sculpted earrings from a long time ago (I lost one at Space Mountain in 2012 T^T) ,  you can definitely feel the love and care she puts on her products, amazing quality on her homemade prints and incredible attention to detail in every image she produces!

"Behold God" Limited edition print by Tamisery <3

"Dripping" limited edition print by Tamisery

And she has this awesome AWESOME art for the Moon Crisis show last year, called "I remember you" !! <3  Featuring Chibi-Usa and the gorgeous Pegasus <3  (Saving for this one! )

Click click clickety to get your signed and numbered print!

Support her work by following her and purchasing products directly from her!

Those are the main sites you can find her art, as well as purchase her homemade amazing prints or commission special pieces!  She will be displaying the original "Dripping" piece at the last show in The Cotton Candy Machine 's physical location, so if you're in the Brooklyn area, go ahead and assist to this amazing event!

Next one is:

I loove her ID! ^


Where does her talents end? No idea!

When I was introduced with her, on an online group, she made this curious, fabulous digital and traditional drawings. From there, she started to make adorable fabric kitty companions (I have some of them !)  and today she makes the most amazing, impressively detailed characters plushies! She's another example of attention to details, fromt he fabric choice, to what she uses for bases and accessories and final detailing for her works.

Beautiful handmade Toothless plushies!
She has also made needle-felt dolls and sculptures, fur suits for a local business in Mexico City, tiny polymer clay sculptures, oh gosh, you won't get tired of her work!  She's aiming to increase her range of products to a more affordable range as well with some DIY projects!  I can't wait to check on her future projects!  I know some, but I won't tell you ! =D

You can mainly check her updates on her pages:

As far as I know, as she lives in Mexico, international shipping for the holidays makes it difficult for her to send items to other countries during this months. But you can write her for future commissions info or for her to include you in her wait list for next year!  She's a busy girl that spends all day trying to get more ideas flowing!  (you need to rest! >:( )

I love my kitties! I will bring them with me in January <3 Visit her page for gooorgeous plushie art!!

She is currently trying to help her family as she works from the time she gets up to the time she finally decides to go to sleep at night.  Please, support her work by purchasing directly from her and by sharing her pages! =D  So she can sleep more and be strong, healthy and happy to keep doing what she loves more in the world <3  ^-^

Starting with the custom vinyl toys section, my list is too wide, but I'll be featuring my favorite customizers eventually.  For today, I'd like to start with one of my friends and amazing supporter, Studio JujuB !

Miss C, owner of Studio JujuB, is a very talented artist as well!  She makes this incredible Dreadlocks My little ponies that add a really incredible piece for your collections! I believe her works deserve much more viewers!  As a customizer, I know materials can get really expensive and doing any kind of weird idea consumes time, effort and an incredible amount of patience to be developed!  

G3 TE Masquerade with dreadlocks!  how amazing is that? ! 

She's currently starting to develop more digital art of her amazing selection of OC's, as well as small crafts if you're looking for a little special gift for someone in your life! I own a little cute clay bear she gave me as part of a little giveaway she made, it's a gorgeous piece I have on display in my small studio, on my inspiration shelf <3 She takes commissions, don't forget about that!

Don't mind my shelf <3  <3  Go and check her art and crafts and get something for yourself of a loved person!!

Visit her sites for more info and more pics of her pieces!

Last but not least important! (you know, it's difficult to choose orders between loved friends and awesome artists!), let me introduce you to BlueAlhena <3

More of her awesome art at

This wonderful lady is also one of my favorite persons in the world, she works non-stop, has an EdD. and she's aiming to publish books for children <3  She's also into drawing, painting, craft making aaand ! She makes awesome dishes and desserts! <3   But it's hard to show you how good she is cooking, so I will focus on how amazing she's at drawing =D

Her images are usually made with markers, which she adoores. But she developed a series of 4 paintings depicting Seasons for a local little dessert store ran by a dear friend: 
paintings she made with acrylics and are now showing on the store <3

One of my favorite pieces from her is "Hada Morgana"  which I think I've seen in person (she's also the girlfriend of one of my best friends <3 and he had this little collection of her drawings  * melts * ).  Hada Morgana has all the details I love of her works, watching it in person lets you see all the details and blending that she develops as well as her amazing style for making cracks on drawn walls and jewels <3

Hada Morgana by BlueAlhena

I'm not sure if she's taking commissions, but you can always ask!  She's really fast and dedicated and has this impressive attention to detail that you will love to see your OC in her style!  She uses to go to a local convention in Mexico, last one was this weekend =)

Do you want a wonderful pic for your loved one this next Valentine's day?  Visit her page, drop her a message and open the door to her wonderful world of magic and color! I'm sure you'll loooooove what she will make for you!

You can follow her work at: 

Oh!  Forgot to mention...

Not even kiddin! =3 I love and miss visiting them for coffee <3
<3 <3 <3

And, that's it for today =)

I will see if I can get my ideas together and try to make a weekly feature for my favorite pieces on a week ^-^  So I can feature more and more of my dear friends and favorite artists!!  This group of girls is really close to my heart, they're gorgeous persons as well as incredibly talented artists and crafters (multitasking as well!! ) 

This plan will start next Monday!  I hope to be able to make it during the holidays!  My phone is not the best way to feature anything, I swear =|

Well,  I'll have to get back to work. I hope you liked this little post, remember to support your friends and favorite artists by sharing their work with your people!!

See you tomorrow! <3


Dec 3, 2015

Kitty girls and Pony pendants

Hi, good day to you!

I'm doing my best on get my pages updated and get them up and running <3  Let's say that I'm trying to get my act together and prepare for next year =)

This 2015, I did some projects with polymer clay.  I started some during 2014, but didn't have a clue and just froze, leaving them blank and without hope. I took this projects and started a few more, and this are the results:

My Kitty Girls.  This lovely girls are made with polymer clay, without using any kind of mold. Ears are in place thanks to Sculpey glue and a tiny wire. All are painted with a mix of Americana acrylics- Golden acrylics and Grumbacher acrylics. Sealed with Jo Sonja's gloss varnish and finished with lovely little findings with a tiny bell on top. This lovelies are pendants you can use <3 or a little tiny addition to your cute handmade figures collection!

3 1/2 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

3 in from clasp to base.
Polymer clay, metal findings, acrylic paint, gloss varnish.

You can add a 17in necklace for $3 usd each to any order.  Combined shipping of course applies! <3

This one was purchased by a wonderful friend and long time supporter  JujuB. from

<3  It's always so wonderful when your work is loved this much <3

And, something you haven't seen from me. A couple of  hand-sculpted pony pendant <3

Pendant is 3in x 3in
Chain is approx. 18in
$40 + shipping

Pendant is 4in x 3in
Chain is approx. 17in

Sakura  (closeup) 
Pendant is 4in x 3in
Chain is approx. 17in

This pendants are quite big for an usual pendant, I imagine they're called "statement"pendants.  I don't have a strapless blouse, so I didn't find a good way to photograph them on me =(   Perfect for a fearless woman who loves colorful horses! 

I can also make your pony persona if needed!  If you have questions, drop me an email to

Or if you would like to purchase them, let me know. They will be also on my Storenvy waiting for their forever home <3

That's it for today blog's posts about my pendants!

If you read this far, let me know in the comments what pendant is your favorite and what would you like to see in the future!

See you tomorrow with a new post! <3
